Journal Articles
Timilsena B., Niassy S., Kimathi E., Abdel-Rahman E.M, Seidl-Adams I., Wamalwa M., Tonnang H.E.Z., Ekesi S., Hughes D.P., Rajotte E.G., & Subramanian S. (2022) Potential distribution of Fall armyworm in Africa and beyond, considering climate change and irrigation patterns. Scientific Reports, 11:539.
Qasim, M., Akutse, K. S., Hussain, D., Al-Zoubi, O. M., Mustafa, T., Aguila, L. C. R., Alamri, S., Hashem, M., & Wang, L. (2022). Powdery mildew fungus Oidium lycopersici Infected-tomato plants attracts the non-vector greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, but seems impair their development. Agronomy, 12(11), 2791.
Nsevolo Miankeba, P., Taofic, A., Kiatoko, N., Mutiaka, K., Francis, F., & Caparros Megido, R. (2022). Protein content and amino acid profiles of selected edible insect species from the Democratic Republic of Congo relevant for transboundary trade across Africa. Insects, 13(11), 994.